Wednesday, 16 April 2014

End Of Term Reflection

The area of my learning that I have made the most progress on is writing because I have learnt how to expand on characters.

The area I most want to improve next term is maths because I am doing well on my maths and I want to  improve on Algabra.

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Walt: Substitute values in a formula. 

Is u = -8 a solution to this equation?

-69 = 
11 + 
Yes Or No?
The Answer is yes
The way you work this out is to do...
10 x u that is -80
Then + 11 that would make it -69
So that means the answer is yes.

Is b = 43 a solution to this equation?

43 - 2b + 1 = 44 

Yes or No?
The Answer is yes because
 2 x b = 86- 43 = 43 + 1 = 44
So it is yes

Thursday, 10 April 2014

My Writing

A Paragraph of my writing...

“Devin and Edward I have another contract for you two,” Said Nazz’ar. “Let me see” said Devin feeling excited for another contract as he reached over and snatched the piece of paper with the contract details on it. Devin had a surprised look on his face and went pale when he saw the name in bold Duncan Thornside then showed Edward in shock they gave each other a look and Edward quickly said. “It will be done.”
Then Edward pulled Devin outside and said.
“Do you know the consequence for refusing to fulfill a contract.” “Yes, death.” Said Devin thinking about what happened to others who had done that very thing.

My Goal Was to Elaborate my ideas to include description of characters, settings and important events.
I Have used this sample because when they got given the contract I stated the feeling used an action used a description and used dialogue.

Making Choices Video

The Influences on the decisions were family and friends because his friend made him want to do the right thing but it didn't help much.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Family can really influence peoples choices. It could b anything from wanting to buy something or wanting to go somewhere or even eating food. For example a 15 year old might want to attend a party with 17 and 18 year olds but your family thinks its a bad idea or alcohol will be there. That can effect their choices because if you let them act and do what they want they might start making bad choices. 

This piece of writing shows I have been improving my vocabulary 
For example I have used attend instead of go to